Mirrorcle Technologies, Inc., located in Richmond, California, is a privately held corporation that offers products and services based on its proprietary optical microelectromechanical system (MEMS) technology. Products include the world’s fastest large scan-angle two-axis scanning mirrors consisting of MEMS actuators combined with mirrors of various sizes and coatings. The ideal entry point to application and product development or research setups with Mirrorcle’s MEMS mirrors is a plug-and-play Development Kit. |
MirrorcleMEMSMirrors微機械鏡子(微鏡) ?獨家專利無轉向節設計 ?超低耗能、微型和廉價的波束控制方案 ?最快的點對點雙軸和單軸微鏡 ?超卓的可重復性和可靠性 ?大傾斜機械角度,典型范圍±6° ?點對點(準靜態)或諧振動作 ?鏡子直徑由0.8mm到7.5mm ?鋁或黃金涂層 ?細小、低耗能微機械駒動器 | MirrorcleDevelopmentKits開發套裝 ?即插即用方案適用於原型制造、產品開發、科研、和教學。 ?開發套裝可從手提電腦、個人電腦、或流動設備控制微鏡、激光、和配件等。 ?標準開發套裝包括:-3個微鏡(1.2mm,2.0mm,3.6mm) -USB微鏡控制器(可選擇無線) -用途廣泛的軟件組合和軟件開發套裝 -光學線路板/激光組件/安裝支架 -軟件支援服務 ?半定制開發套裝包括:顧客自選3個微鏡類型,尺寸,涂料,和包裝。 ?可配合附加件!廣角鏡,無線功能,激光追蹤組合,PSD組合等等。 |
?多元平臺:Mirrorcle軟件支援微軟視窗、谷歌安卓、以及Linux用戶。 ?多元應用:多個可執行的應用程式,使用戶可以自由控制X-軸、Y-軸、激光和其它觸發器的數字輸出口。 ?多元開發包:廣泛的C++,Matlab,LabView,和Java(安卓)軟件開發包,具備實用例子和編程指導。 詳細資料請到以下網址: http://mirrorcletech.com/mirrorcledraw.html http://mirrorcletech.com/c-devkit.html |
FABRICATION and PACKAGING Mirrorcle devices are fabricated in multiple MEMS fabrication facilities; assembled and tested both in-house as well as in partner facilities. Single-crystal silicon fabrication process ensures highest device repeatability, reliability, and high optical quality. Modular and flexible design and production process enables a variety of devices as well as mirror sizes optimized for a wide range of applications and requirements. |